Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bad training days and getting back on the plan...

So I did not run during my trip to Chicago. I skipped my weekend long run and in sum had a poor training for the week. I only logged 14 miles. Definitely not where I want to be. The running week ending today started the same way. However at the end I got my act together and managed a somewhat decent long run and a respectable 42 miles for the week.

Route:--Elev. Avg:86 ft
Location:New York City, NYElev. Gain:+3 ft
Date:08/24/08Up/Downhill: [+895/-892]
Time:05:04 AMDifficulty:3.6 / 5.0
Weather:Mostly Cloudy
69 F temp; 81% humidity
69 F heat index; winds Vrbl 3

Distance: 17.32 milesGoal:7' 30 min/mi pace

Speed:7.5 mphAttained:94%
Pace:8' 01 /mi


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1 comment:

Dawn said... beat me by 5 miles. I only logged 9 miles while I was away. Lots of cross-training consisting of beach-walking though.