Saturday, June 28, 2008

Marathon Training Begins... Wii

So this is the first week of formal marathon according to the training schedule provided by our team coach. I will try to share the training schedule as soon as I figure out how to copy and paste a PDF document to this blog. In any case the training program includes hill and speed work and at least one day off every week. It is also provides for one or two of cross training. It is of cross training (XT) that I want to talk about. I really don't know what to do for those XT training days. Originally I thought well on XT days I'll just run really slow. I have sought advice from other runners about it. Some tell me that they swim on XT days. Others get on their bike and do a couple of loops around the park. There are a few roller bladders among them. The problem for me with those choices is that I can swim but don't have access to a pool; I don't have a bike and roller blading is only an option if I intend to spend most of my time working on developing techniques on how to bounce of the pavement. So I decided that on my XT days I will spend some time using my Nintendo Wii and the Wii Fit. The Hoola-Hoop workout on the Wii will be the key to my success this November.

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